🚪How Xavier built, monetized, grew and sold his info product
The No-Code Exit Story of Xavier Coiffard and UserBooster
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I talked with Xavier Coiffard, a coder who prefers to use no-code for his side projects. Read about:
✨ The value of a curated product
💰 Different pricing tiers to boost revenue
🔔 The acquisition of his product
Enjoy and happy building.
PS: missed last interview? Read here how Daniel built a vertical SaaS with $100,000 booking revenue.
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The 100 School No-Code Bootcamp transformed my life. They now offer a new ‘Code with AI’ bootcamp for non-technical persons. $100 off with this link.
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🔥 No-Code Founder Interview
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Hello! What's your background?
I'm Xavier Coiffard, a french entrepreneur based in Angers. I've been in the tech ecosystem for 15+ years. I started as a developer, then moved into the startup ecosystem in San Francisco. 5 years ago I started indiehacking with a ‘6 projects in 6 months’ challenge.
Tell me more about the product you have built?
UserBooster was the first product I shipped during my challenge. Previously I was in charge of marketing for a startup. I couldn’t find a clear overview of websites to promote the startup. So I started curating it myself and turned it into a Notion template. Next to the list, there was a playbook and a ‘Done for you service’.
There were 3 pricing tiers:
A playbook on how to launch your startup for $49
The playbook + a list of 500 websites to launch your startup for $99
A service where we submit your startup to 80 directories for $399
Which no-code tools did you use to build and run it?
I chose no-code over code because I wanted to focus on marketing, not building.
We used:
Carrd to create the landing page
Airtable to create the list of websites
Notion to create the playbook
Plausible for stats
Substack for newsletter
Stripe for the payments
How have you attracted users and grown your product?
In the beginning promotion mostly happened through Twitter by building in public and plugging it below my popular tweets. Later word of mouth and SEO picked up.
My SEO strategy was a bit chaotic at this time, just learning by doing. I mostly check the SERP (search engine result page) of the most obvious keywords like "Notion templates for startups" and applied the skyscraper technique: I created better and longer post than the one of the top of the SERP.
In total I made more than 400 sales (and 30 for the done for you service). Without much effort it keeps getting 500 visitors per mont on average (with good search intent).
How did the acquisition happen?
I didn’t have time anymore to keep running UserBooster as I’m focussing on my lead generation agency so I listed it on Acquire. The buyer wanted to try an acquisition with a low ticket product and UserBooster looked like a great opportunity for him to make a positive ROI. It was sold for low 5-figures.
Thanks for sharing your story Xavier!
🍿 Katt builds in public
My actions, fails and wins on the road to ramen profitability with no-code
For Build The Keyword everything has been about SEO (and next month everything will be about video). One of the things I have been doing is to try to get more backlinks. It’s not hard (just listing in different directories) but oh boy, I found it so boring haha. Especially because it takes weeks/months to see the results. So it’s definitely not my favourite task. Any tips?
I have also been doing some SEO for the No-Code Exits website. Still a lot to improve, but nothing beats the feeling of getting those first clicks and impressions for search queries you are targeting.
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I liked the UserBooster story and wanted to buy the service but all the Buy Now links are broke and his email bounces? Anyone know what's up with UserBooster?